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Have you noticed the smell of spring on the horizon? Have you begun to feel the thawing of the frozen ground and sensed your awareness to begin to heighten?


Bring yourself back to the fall; the time before you were frozen in to the decisions and places you were caved in to. From this place, can you recall where you left off (or lost sense) on pursuing your dreams?

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Can you see how the snow, the ice, and the cold all served a purpose to “freeze you” as to really allow you take the time to heal or slow down as to ground, rest, and restore energy?

As the winter begins to leave and the spring birds began to chirp, we are slowly being awakened back to the unfolding of life to new or continued inspirational longings.

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Where we were before the thaw doesn’t necessarily indicate our current placement of achieving our dreams. It is important that we assess our current senses as to make sure we are choosing what is next best on our present position of what has evolved and changed over the last few months.

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Remembering that the timing of when we achieve our desires is not our responsibility and that only our ability to trust in the unfolding of our desires through implementing our guidance is our responsibility.

Think about nature and it’s thawing...

As sticks, rocks, leaves, water, and other items of nature begin to unstick from their holding spot, new nutrients get released, new orientations develop and the circle of nature continues to flow.

It is important that we sense this thawing and incorporate it into our intent to manifest our reality.

When we intentionally sense in, we may notice that we are being guided on a detour or that we are experiencing a new desire or that something we thought was really far away from achieving, actually feels more near (as to only name a few sensory awareness points).


Feel unsure what is calling on you from this place of unthawing?

Not sure how to sort the information that is presenting itself to you?

Ready to finally catch the flow and follow it throughout the year?

Ready to fiercely achieve and conquer your dreams by intentionally and compassionately surrendering to the present moment?

Said yes to any of the above??? Then:

It’s time to clear out the clutter

What’s in the way of your awareness and seeing the present moment?

It's time to visualize the future

From this moment, what does the trajectory appear to point towards and is it what you still want?

It's time to plant your seeds of desire to build your foundation for your dreams! 

From this place of presence and intention, what can I actively manifest?

To help folks get their seeds ready to plant, we are offering a virtual series on manifesting your desires as it begins to blossom in to spring. Begin anytime between March 17th and April 5th, 2022.

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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